Restorative Dental Care


Restorative Dental Care

What is Restorative Dentistry at Magnolia Smiles Dental?

Restorative dentistry is a branch of dental care focused on repairing and restoring damaged or missing teeth. Whether you're dealing with a chipped tooth, cavities, or tooth loss, our experienced dentists in Magnolia are equipped with the latest techniques and technologies to address your concerns effectively. Our goal is to ensure your oral health and well-being so you can continue to enjoy life to the fullest without any dental discomfort or self-consciousness.

Our Restorative Dental Services

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns, or "caps," are custom-made restorations designed to cover and protect damaged teeth. Without protection, decaying or structurally compromised teeth will only break down more over time. Crowns not only enhance the appearance of your smile but also provide added strength and durability to the tooth. Dr. Patel and Dr. Joshi offer premier designs like Emax and zirconia crown options. 


Dental bridges are an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth. They are anchored to adjacent healthy teeth or dental implants on either side of your missing tooth. Bridges restore your ability to chew and speak properly. Our team ensures that your dental bridge is custom-made to provide a comfortable fit.

Root Canals

Root canal therapy is a restorative procedure that can save a severely infected or damaged tooth from extraction. This procedure alleviates pain, preserves your tooth, and prevents further complications. For your comfort, added options like nitrous sedation are also available. 

Full & Partial Dentures

When multiple teeth are missing, dentures offer a comprehensive solution. Full dentures replace an entire arch of teeth, while partial dentures fill in gaps between remaining natural teeth. Our modern dentures are designed to enhance your diet and confidence. Implant-supported options are also available!

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Taking the first step toward restoring your smile's health is easy. Schedule your appointment at Magnolia Smiles Dental today. Membership plans are also available for added savings on your next appointment!

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